Skipping Soreness? Can Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness Be Avoided After Exercise?

Author: Sonja Squires

We’ve all been there—enduring the debilitating soreness and stiffness that comes with walking around after a tough workout, usually accompanied by the all-too-familiar “waddle” used as an attempt to reduce the tenderness of tired muscles. This phenomenon is known in the science world as “delayed-onset muscle soreness”, or “DOMS” for short. It was given this title because research has consistently shown that this painful sensation begins approximately 24 to 72 hours following a particularly strenuous workout, making the “onset” of the pain “delayed”. Despite the general population having such a strong familiarity with this experience—whether you’re an athlete with a strict training plan, or you exercise recreationally—the world really doesn’t know as much about DOMS as you’d think .

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The Benefits of Dry Needling for Athletes with Muscle Pain

Author: Mandi Roemmich


            Dry needling has recently become a popular therapeutic technique used for pain management, particularly in athletes. The use of dry needling, primarily by physical therapists, began in the early 21st century, and has since become a popular treatment method for myofascial pain, with over twenty states approving the technique of dry needling by 2011 (Dommerholt, 2011). Dry needling is a therapeutic procedure using the insertion of thin needles through the skin into myofascial trigger points, muscular or connective tissue with the aim to reduce pain intensity (Kaljić, et al., 2018). Myofascial trigger points can be described as hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle. Various techniques of dry needling, including number of needles used, depth of insertion, and length of treatment are used varying by individual preferences and circumstances. This treatment type is specifically recommended for treatment of musculoskeletal pain conditions caused by myofascial trigger points (Kaljić, et al., 2018).

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